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What:  Over 65 professionals from various career backgrounds and Post-Secondary Institution
Programs volunteer to give Grade 11 and 12 students a chance to expand
their career – life explorations and opportunities, as well as network.

When: Wednesday, November 7th 2018

Time: Grade 12s come during collaboration time: 8:40 am – 9:40 am
Grade 11s come during Period 1 with their Period 1 class
District Program students not at Moscrop on Day 1s should attend during collaboration
time, and go to their district program afterwards.

Where: Small Gym and Moscrop Library (Map to be provided)

How to prepare:
Take a look at the guest list, and read guest biographies ahead of time in order to be prepared for who you’d like to talk to by clicking here:
Come with a plan.
Review the suggested questions you can ask by clicking here:
Talk to as many people as you can! Not just the one in the exact career you are interested in. You can learn so much from EVERYONE. Try learning about a career you don’t know anything about!
Do not bring your backpack (they are too bulky and difficult to move around a crowded space)
Do not stand around in big groups. Stand to the side while you figure out who you want to speak to next.
Download the Moscrop App and follow “Grade 12 – All” or “Grade 11 – All” to get updates on the Career Fair.
Lastly, DO NOT SLEEP IN (grade 12s, I’m talking to you!)

Click here for Career Fair Poster