News Archive

September 30th National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

In June, the Federal Government announced that September 30th will be a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The Province will also be marking September 30th as a day “to commemorate the history and ongoing trauma caused by residential schools and to honour those who were lost and the survivors, families and communities who continue to grieve.” The full announcement can be found here.

Further to Government’s announcement, all schools and facilities in the Burnaby School District will be closed on September 30th.

This week:

  • Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange shirts as much as possible through the week, and especially on Wednesday and Friday.   You will also see other visible symbols that students are creating including orange bracelets, orange felt hearts, and art displays being created by classrooms and students around the school.
  • There are many activities organized throughout the week for our school community to take part in.  This will culminate in a school-wide assembly on Wednesday, September 29th, during Block 2.

On September 30th, there are various opportunities to participate in public and online events in the community including:

If you’d like more information on Indian Residential Schools, and the events of this week, click here for information.