News Archive

Course Request Verifications

This is a reminder that Course Request Verifications are taking place this week (May 6th – 10th). It is the responsibility of all students in grades 8-11 to log on to the MY EDUCATION System to confirm that their course requests for next year are correct. If they are correct, then no further action is required. If there are any errors/omissions, students will need to complete the online Course Request Verification form by Friday, May 10th at noon. This will be the last opportunity for students to amend their requested courses for next year.

Please note:
1) These are course requests only, and not a confirmed course schedule for next year.
2) If a student applied and was accepted into any honours/AP/application courses, these courses will be listed in the student’s current course requests (e.g. via the Course Verification).
3) While we do our best to place students in their requested courses at the start of each school year (September), it may not always be possible. In such cases, Alternate course requests will be added.
4) If a student is planning to take a summer session course (in person or online), they must indicate so on the Course Verification form.

To access the online Course Verification Form, please use this link or the one that was emailed to students and parents/guardians.