News Archive

January Assessment Week Jan. 20-25

From Monday January 20 through Friday January 24, Moscrop will be holding our Assessment Week. We will be running our Literacy 10 and Literacy 12 Provincial Assessments as well as the French Immersion Literacy 12 Provincial Assessment. This is a massive undertaking to administer and requires significant staff supervision. Please CLICK HERE for more information regarding these assessments or check the school website under the ASSESSMENT tab.

While no formal instruction or classes will occur during this time, the school is open and will welcome students for various activities. For a list of learning opportunities available to students, please see the following schedule: Activities Schedule Assessment Week January 2025

Students, please check TEAMS for the latest schedule as changes have been made.

Grades 10 and 12 students will be assigned by legal last name to an assessment session. Please see the Assessment tab, student services, or the bulletin board in the school to see when they are scheduled to write the assessments. These lists will be posted on Friday January 10th. Students with questions about the assessments should contact their counsellor or Mr. Ralph.

The Literacy 10, Literacy 12, and Évaluation de littératie de la 12e année – Français langue seconde – immersion Assessments (oral component) will be scheduled this Monday January 20 through Thursday January 23. Assessments will begin at 8:40 or 12:00. Students with accommodations should connect with their Case Manager. Please ensure you arrive on time with identification, pencil, and eraser. Students will be organized by their legal last name, please see posters around the school for further details.

Évaluation de littératie de la 12e année – Français langue seconde – immersion (written component) will be held on Monday January 13 and Tuesday January 14. Please see Mrs. Orlando for further details.

If you have any questions, please see your counsellor or Mr. Ralph