School News

Grade 9 Immunizations

Immunization authorization forms have been distributed to Grade 9 students. Please have your student return the form to the office on Monday Feb. 24

Fraser Health nurses will be on-site to provide immunizations on Tuesday March 4 &Tuesday April 1.

In addition to offering immunizations to the Grade 9 students, the nurses will be offering eligible immunizations to Grade 8, 10, 11, and 12 students who have received a letter from Fraser Health advising them of the opportunity to get immunized at the school’s scheduled immunization clinics. If you received a letter in the mail and would like your child to be immunized at school, please ensure they bring the letter and signed consent form with them to school on March 4th or April 1st

If you have any questions, you may reach out to the Burnaby Public Health nurses at 604-918-7570