All Moscrop core French courses follow the curriculum guidelines of the Education Ministry:
French 8
French 8 is a required course that takes students from the very basic phrases, numbers and weather vocabulary of elementary school French to being able to conduct simple conversations in our other official language. Students learn how to talk about friendship, travel, cooking, technology and daily life, and how to relate stories, all in French. Vocabulary is built through reading, oral questions and games. Films and on-line assignments (especially Duolingo) add extra context and enrichment.
French 9
Grade 9 French students continue to create stories and develop dialogue skills in skits, games, powerpoints, etc. They learn how to ask and answer a wide variety of questions, play games, read and write in French, and basically deal with as many topics as possible in French in the time available. We consider the importance of French for a full understanding of English and explore the arts, science, geography and daily life from a French-language perspective.
French 10
By the end of French 10, students have the skills to read French outside of school texts and conduct basic conversations with francophones. They learn vocabulary on a wide range of topics, from alternative energy to media, pop culture and careers, integrating more sophisticated grammar that matches these more complicated subjects. Projects continue to include dialogues, visual presentations, on-line work and writing about daily life.
French 11
French 11 takes students through all major French verb forms and sentence structures. Via interesting texts and videos and through conversation practice, students develop confidence to approach subjects as they do in English-language humanities courses – current political issues, health, media, psychology, etc. – but from the perspective of French. On-line assignments (especially the VHL program) are a large component of this course.
French Leadership 11
This course allows students to use and further develop their strengths in the French language while developing their communication, organizational and leadership skills. Students will collaboratively design and implement lessons and projects for French learners in the elementary classrooms in their areas of interest. This is a great course for students who are thinking about a career in Education or who simply want to work with younger students and share their passion for the French language and culture. Students will be vetted by French teachers through an application process.
Intro French 11
In Intro French 11 students will learn how to speak, read, write, and understand the French language while learning about Francophone cultures around the world.
This senior level course provides an opportunity for senior students to learn French at an increased pace enabling them to fulfill their senior language credit and fulfill some universities’ entrance requirements.
After successful completion of Intro French 11 students should be able to transition to French 11.
French 12
In French 12 students read a wide variety of authentic articles and stories from the francophone world, analyzing them at the same time as they assimilate the grammar. Videos and adapted novellas, as well as on-line activities (continuing the VHL program of grade 11), enrich the overall understanding of the language. Students continue to develop dialogue and writing skills in French related to daily life, social issues, the arts, science, etc., and they get a fuller introduction to literary French.
Useful Links
Canadian Parents for French | |
Dictionary (Most Complete) | |
French-English Dictionary | |
Bescherelle (Verb Conjugation) | |
Reading, Listening & Games | |
Picture Dictionary | |
Listening and Pronunciation | |