News Archive

Course Selection Presentations

It’s that time of the year again – course selection for next year!

COURSE SELECTION 2022 PRESENTATIONS:  It’s that time of the year again – course selection for next year!

Course selection presentations will be delivered by the counsellors virtually this year, through Teams. Students will be invited to join their grade level Team, which will give them access to the live presentation. Important information and deadlines will be discussed, so please do not miss your grade level presentation. These presentations will take place during the Semester Turnaround week, January 24-27th. Classes will not be in session on these days so there should be no scheduling conflicts. Please mark your calendars:


Grade 8’s Monday, January 24 10:00 – 11:00am
Grade 9’s Monday, January 24 1:00   –  2:00pm
Grade 10’s Thursday, January 27 10:00 – 11:00am
Grade 11’s Wednesday, January 26 10:00 – 11:15am