As you know teaching and assessment has changed with the introduction of the new(revised) BC curriculum in 2019. This year, reporting will also look a bit different to reflect the changes in the curriculum. Today, Term 2 Learning Updates (Term 2 Report Cards) will be posted on the MyED BC Portal. For each grade 8-9 course, your child will receive a proficiency and for each grade 10-12 course a letter grade/percentage in addition to descriptive feedback about your child’s strengths and how we can support their learning. To learn more about grade 8-12 reporting please visit the ministry website where you will find a video, set of slides and the answers to most of your questions or visit the Burnaby School Board website at
If you have any questions regarding the learning update, please email the appropriate teacher. All teacher emails can be found on the schools web page at
Need to Learn How to Navigate in MyEducationBC?
The Burnaby School District has produced reference materials for related to logging in and general portal use. These can be viewed at
If you need help resetting your MyEd password please email