1. GO TO https://moscrop.lockerassignment.com/
2. The Online application will open at 3:00 PM on Friday, August 31.
3. Create a Login using your student number as the user id and your birth date as the password, in “YYYYMMDD” format. Assistance can be found under the Help tab.
4. Grade 8-11 students will each share a locker. Grade 8 students will be assigned their lockers in homeroom class on September 4 . Grade 12 students receive their own locker. If you are sharing a locker, students may select their locker partner with some care and pre planning to ensure that they share their locker with their preferred locker partner.
5. Select a zone of the school in which you would like to have a locker. Note that as the availability of lockers in a zone decreases, the buttons will change from Yellow (many lockers available), to Orange (over 50% of lockers assigned) to Red (no lockers available in zone).
6. When a zone is selected the available lockers will be listed. A locker entry that is Green is an empty locker, and a locker entry that is Orange has at lest one person in the locker already.
7. Once you have selected a locker you will be shown the locker combination. You can login at any time to see your assigned locker and combination.
8. You cannot change your locker through the online applicaton
Note: Choose your locker carefully!!